Not a happy customer, At the sink it only had a slight run of water if any comimg out, the faucet at the sink was nasty with crude built up on it as did the mirror frame, an had a crack in it, Bath tub fixtures looked liked they had not been cleaned in a while an crude ran out on the tub floor when the water was turned on and only had cold water when talked to the person at the front desk they said forgot to tell us had to let it run 10 to15 minutes before it would get hot but it was at least over an hour if not more. (REALLY) Only had Shampoos with No Conditioners. Bathrom towel rack fell of wall when towel was taken off it. Had stayed at this Baymont before and had no issues, we had plan on staying an extra night but with the bad conditions and being run down, no way would not stay at this place another night or again.. Most of the Breakfast Items were not hot at all. Make sure the rooms are in good and cleaned condition before having someone still in it!!!!!!