Nearly everything about this property is adequate or even nice. We saw evidence of lots of recent paint and improvements, although they do look like a DIY job, since spots are missed. Nevertheless, things look clean and comfortable.
Our problem with our stay was that it was 90-100 degrees INSIDE the room when we checked in at 9 PM. I do understand that there's no way to control the Central Valley summer heat, but it seems to me that since we had a reservation days in advance, the proprietor could have turned on the A/C in the late afternoon of our arrival day. Even to bring the temperature down to 75 or 80 would have been a welcome relief from outside and we could have finished off the rest.
To be fair, the A/C unit did eventually bring the room down to sleeping temperature, but not until 2 AM, which gave us a restless and short night. If it hadn't been for the extreme heat in our room, I would have awarded Town House five stars, despite the DIY stuff.