I really was very disappointed about the king kong hostel. This because the staff that works there is the worst I've seen in my life so far (not all). I must say that two of them they had had a very good totally different from other fitness. (Stella and Lars) very good gracious and kind people. The rest especially Alisa, a very unpleasant and always as bad attitude to give answer and ask you something else. One day at about 2 am I was in the area of the reception, and a fully drugged and with an aspect of indigent person, he approached peguntar one bedroom (habitual practice every night), which was entered without no problem. My name me a lot of the atecion this situation due to the state in which the person was, was not the one as a tourist (outside the Netherlands) is used to seeing. Finally, you can percarme that such pacticas are common, which is why in terms of security, I would have careful because eventually could be stolen by some junkie who decided to spend the night in this place.